Tuesday, June 3, 2014

School's Out

Summer is here, the kids are so excited to be out of school. Sad in some ways to know they will no longer be going back to those schools in Centerville (we will be moving 45 minutes south to northern Utah County.)
Here are some pics from the end of school.

Kaylie earned a Silver Presidential Award for her high GPA and high test scores in Core Classes. Can't believe she'll be in High School next year.

Kyler had a Harry Potter day after his class finished the book.

The boys wanted to ride their bikes to school the last day and ate breakfast in the cafeteria for the first and last time :)

Cam and his best buds.

DJ and Kyler in front of their school, Centerville El. and by Heidi's tree, now two years later.


Vera Lyn's Brother got married a week ago in Rexburg. It was such a beautiful day and setting for the wedding. So honored to be there and be part of such an amazing family.

April / May Events

Between April and May we celebrated many events besides just the big wedding. Here are some along with some fun times.


Easter Egg Bowling Contest with Family:

Race for the Cure with Bradshaw's and Wangsgard's. So great to support a great cause with so many thousands.

Mother's Day: Celebrating two great Mom's.

Fun time at a park:

Baseball, soccer and more baseball and soccer

The past few months have seemed like never ending baseball and soccer. Between a soccer game and practice each week, plus two baseball games and a practice each week, all for both Kyler and Dallyn, we were at games and practices all the time. The boys loved it though and really improved. Kyler was in a machine pitch league and got much better at hitting the ball (he almost had a home run once but had to settle for a triple when his coach told him not to run all the way home) and at catching and throwing. Dallyn is in kid pitch, so the other team has a pitcher and is throwing it as hard as the can your way. Dallyn's team is ranked #1 going into a playoff later this week.



With the end of year coming, Kaylie and Cam both had several concerts to perform in, Cam for band, playing percussion and Kaylie for Choir. Both did great. Cam played bass drum, snare drum and bells during various songs and Kaylie's group did some fun movie songs including what I thought was the best, "On My Own" from Les Mis.


Over the past few months we have had some great things happen with the boys Scouts. Cameron received his Star rank and several merit badges and Dallyn got his Bear badge and 8 arrow points. Dallyn also built the second fastest pinewood derby car in his troop.