Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back To School!

Since we are on year-round school my children just went back to school this week. It's hard to believe it!! weeks flew by!
Here is our adorable FOURTH GRADER...can you believe that?
And our very handsome second grader...both kids are wearing their good luck shirts for their first day of school. Kaylie loves frogs and Cam loves Wall-E!
I don't usually do much back-to-school shopping for the kids because I always pick up things here and there on good sales and so we don't need a big influx of clothes in July. Plus with year-round school we still have clothes that fit from the summer! I did get each of the kids a few new shirts for school and they wore their 'good luck tees' to school on the first day.

We needed to go through Kaylie's closet to sort out which clothes don't fit her anymore. This was one of my FAVORITE shirts on Kaylie. She wore it in her SECOND GRADE photos!! Isn't it cute?? Well its too small for her now and it reminds me of my 6 and 7 year old Kaylie....
This is one of Kaylie's new back to school shirts and she looks so grown up!! How does this happen? One day she's a little second grader and the next she's a fourth grader who has an opinion about her clothing. =) I brought home 6 shirts and let her choose 4 of them, so at least I still have a strong influence in her wardrobe!!
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