Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Kids Race

Here's the kids as they are getting out into the water...their goal is to swim from the shore to the Wright's floating dock and back again.

In the lead of the kid's swim of course was Cameron, our little fish followed closely behind by McKenna Wright.

Here they are exiting the water...

Meanwhile Kyler is doing his 'running' portion of the race going along the shore. It was so fun watching him and Peter in the race!

Cameron crosses the finish line!

McKenna finishes the race!

Kyler is on his way up the beach...go Kyler!

Peter crosses the finish line just after Kyler did...what fun the boys had!

Here's our Kaylie on her run up the shore.

So Cameron did the 'swim' leg of the kids tri and Andrew did the bike leg and Brooke's daughter did the run. Cam's team did great, they placed 2nd overall! =)

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