Friday, July 12, 2013

July Birthday Week

The second week in July is one full of birthdays for our family. First is Dallyn's, 9 this year, then comes Mom's, Heidi's, and finally Aunt Amy's. Always a super fun filled week.

Here is a fun picture of Heidi, with Aunt Amy and the boys, on her 30th birthday, just a few months before being diagnosed with Breast Cancer.
Dallyn loved his birthday, filled with the traditional personal choice sugar cereal/BYU cup breakfast, Captain Crunch and Lucky Charms. And of course lot's of fun presents. His main present was a Nintendo DS portable video game system, but he also loved Legos and match box cars from his siblings, money and a cool CTR ring from Grandparents and a cool BYU football helmet and Jersey. Doesn't he look like he belongs in that uniform, 10 years from now, who knows ... We also went as a family, with the special treat of having Grandma and Grandpa Black being in town, to go see the hilarious Despicable Me 2.

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1 comment:

The Five that Jive said...

I was thinking about Heidi yesterday:) what a special woman!! That looks like an amazing retreat! I've never heard of snow bird but I will have to check it out next time we are in Utah! Looks like so much fun!!:)