Monday, April 22, 2013

Hawaii (Cont. 4) Waimea Canyon

One of the full day adventures we embarked on was a trip up to Waimea Canyon, the "Grand Canyon of the the Pacific" It is not as big as the Grand Canyon, but is pretty impressive on this small island.

Later in the day, some of us hiked about 3 miles round trip to the top of an 800 foot waterfall (seen as a black streak at the back of the photo below.) Very cool.


At the top of the canyon, the road ends overlooking the Napali Coast. For part of the time the view was obscured by clouds (we were at about 4,500 feet in elevation) and it seemed as though you were about to fall off of the "end of the world." (Or at least we so pretended)

Nothing better after the long drives and hikes than some nice shaved Ice at Jo Jos. Not much to look at, but it was sure good.
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