Thursday, August 7, 2008

Convention Part 2

Stampin' Up! released its Decor Elements line in July, and this is phase 2 of their release which will come in October. So these are like rub-ons for your wall! How neat is that?? And they coordinate with our stamp sets...even cooler! These flowers coordinate with the Ginormous Flowers Set. I just loved this I had to get my photo taken with it!
Rachel and I with Ronald Mc Donald...Stampin' Up! has a partnership with Ronald Mc Donald House Charities. It was neat to hear about all they are doing. And Yes...Rachel and I are twinners!! We had to be corny...that's all part of the fun of a girl's getaway!!
Here I am with my famous upline, Patty Bennett, who was just named to the Advisory Board at Stampin' Up! They select 8 demonstrators to serve on this board each year and Patty was chosen!! Can you see that she's on cloud 9?? Since she's famous now I just had to get a photo with her....=) Way to go Patty!
Rachel and I enjoying dinner in the Garden Restaurant on top of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Great food and even better views..this was right before formal awards night!
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1 comment:

Patty Bennett said...

Thanks for your kind comments.. too cute! :) It was great spending a few days with you and Rachel.. I'm SO glad you were up to coming!! Patty