Sunday, August 17, 2008

On our way up!

We decided to hike up to Vernal Falls Waterfall while visiting Yosemite. It was about .7 miles each way, but wow was it steep! It was our children's first real hike! It really was a hike! Here is Dallyn taking a break..he was a great sport!

Cameron enjoyed climbing the rocks along the way! He just kept chugging up the mountain!
Oh and did I mention that Kyler rode in style? And Dallyn rode most of the way up in the stroller too! Scott was worn out by the time he got to the top!! People made comments as they past, as it was quite a sight for Scott to be pushing a stroller up this steep grade!! Way to go Scott!
Kaylie was my hiking buddy and she did an awesome job! Here she is resting from the sun!! It was a hot day!
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1 comment:

Grandma said...

WOW!!! It sounds like you had a great time. Maybe next year we will be able to make it. You know why this year didn't work out. Let me know the dates in Nov. for the play. Love, Pam