Monday, May 11, 2009

The Race for the Cure!

Thanks to all of you who supported me in the Race for the Cure this past weekend! Kaylie, my mom and I walked in the race together. It was a great day, even though we had to park in Timbuktu since we didn't arrive before they closed the parking lot!!
Here is Kaylie and I!

Grandma and Kaylie
Mother and Daughter after we crossed the finish line!
My wonderful friend Angee and I...I'm so glad you are wearing a white shirt Angee..may it ALWAYS be that way!! (Her Mom is a 20 year breast cancer survivor!!)
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mb said...

Congrats on the walk and being in the 1-2 year section. Looks like a fun event!

bottspot said...

Our whole family did the Salt Lake race. Josh's mom lost her battle almost 4 years ago as well as my friends mom last month. You were listed on my "in celebration of". Keep going! Love ya