Thursday, April 1, 2010

Jungle Book Begins!

Here is our lovely Flora, the main narrator for the school play of Jungle Book. This was the kid's first play that I wasn't totally involved in, which was weird at first. Since I'm homeschooling Kaylie though my days seem too busy so I have yet to feel that I have time to volunteer to help with anything extra. Hopefully next year I can, if I can trade in my teaching hat that is! =)
These two Vultures are just adorable....they also had cameo appearances as Cletus (a clueless Hillbilly) and Baby Shere Kahn respectively.
Great Grandma and Grandfather Ralph came to support the children in their play. It was nice having them there.
Even Uncle Jason drove up from Provo and braved the storms to come see the kids. We were glad to have him there too! Kyler didn't want to be left out of the excitement!! They performed at school today and have one more family/friends performance tomorrow!! Then our life will settle down just a little bit!
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1 comment:

Amy/Austin said...

Looks like it was so fun!