Sunday, October 2, 2011

Toys R Us!

We had the opportunity to go to the Toys R Us in Times Square. There was a gigantic Ferris Wheel inside the store. I have never seen anything quite like it! It was amazing!! What a store!
Look at some of the cute Ferris wheel cars!! So very fun, I am easily amused!! =)

A Megablocks car...

A little people bus..we had one just like this when my kids were little.

I had to take this photo for Kaylie because she is so into fruit candy....this nerds box was HUGE and it was $25!! Can you imagine spending $25 on nerds??

They had a great Candy Land display! It was like something out of Disneyland! So fun! Here I am holding some GIANT tootsie pops!

They had even had a full barbie house was out of control all the different displays they had for each type of toy!

There was a Jurassic Park land in the store too!

Of course Scott loved seeing the star wars displays and drooling over the real lightsabers! =)

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