Thursday, March 29, 2012

Before and After Photos of Cameron's Room

So I have been working on 'projects' in the wee hours of the morning when I am up on steroids and not able to sleep. I have been coming up with ideas of what I would like to do with my kids rooms. Now, as you know from following my blog, I love to decorate and I am really into all the fun decor elements of making a room really it's own. So I took on this project a few months back and have been working on it a lot over the past few weeks. In light of what I learned this week I am so glad I took the time to work on this!! The room is going to be awesome when we are done...well it already was pretty awesome!! So here are some befores....really messy...

I bought an R2D2 Rug when I had a discount coupon and free shipping. I couldn't resist...its awesome and ties the room together so well!! Plus he has blue and gray walls and the rug was the same tones....I mean REALLY?? I just had to have that!

This corner is kind of crazy. It's his drumming corner where he plays Scott's old digital drum set. Then he has his lego display shelf there and he has some fort built or something....anyhow its just always a messy mess. You will see some after photos that are MUCH better. So stay tuned to read something fun about the decorating tomorrow!!

His current set up has his Giant Light Saber on the wall (its the only wall that is long enough) and his book case rack up high..We are going to move that, its too high for my liking and not practial for placement. Then this trophy shelf was mine when I was little (with bunny wallpaper on it) and so I think I am going to move it in the boys room and put Cameron's little knick knacky things on one of his other many shelves in here.....see the wheels are turning!

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