Monday, September 10, 2012

First Week of School

Among other things, the kids started school again this past week. Kaylie 8th grade, Cameron the big 6th grader, Dallyn 3rd grade (1st year in an accelerated honers class) and Kyler in 1st grade. They all have great teachers (Heidi had a lot of high pressure discussions with administrators shortly before she passed away to ensure the kids got in the best classes possible.) They are very excited to be back in school, playing with friends and learning (homework not so much.) We also had Angie start as an after school care giver, coming in for the few hours between school getting out and Dad getting home from work. Angie is 20 year old daughter of a family friend and seems to fit in really well in our home.

Dallyn received his Bobcat award in cub scouts, good job DJ.

Kaylie celebrated her 13th birthday this week. She had a fun breakfast, diner with the family at Zuppas, a new pair of Rollerblades and a "late night" with 10 friends watching a movie and having fun. 

This past weekend was our annual ward campout in the Uinta Mountains. We had a great time playing and visiting with friends and went on hike, shown below, up a massive stone staircase someone had built.
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