Monday, April 22, 2013

Hawaii (Cont. 3) Dad's Crazy Adventure

One morning Dad got up real early, drove an hour an a half and went on a 9 mile run along the Napali Coast sea cliffs to Hanakapiai Falls. This is the famed water fall surrounded by thousand foot cliffs shown at the end of Jurassic park as the helicopter takes off to leave the island. Because Scott got up so early and ran there, he was all alone in a surreal, calm and beautiful setting. He even got to take a cool dip in the pool under the falls. (That's paradise)

Part of the trail was along the sea cliffs, a lot of switch backs, steps, up and down. The second half was along the river coming off the base of the falls, through jungle, mud, rock hoping and crossing the river several times. It was just an awesome run, much better than along the city streets of Centerville.

All the beaches along the North shore of the Island were closed that day due to big surf. And it was big, big and tumultuous. Likely 10 to 12 foot waves, one after another, at times coming from different directions. For those who know Scott, he loves to be in water and is always up for a swim. Well for the first time in his life, he say seas that he felt were too dangerous even for him to venture out into. Beautiful but deadly. 
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