Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Stampin' Studio

Well, I just have to post some photos now that I finally have Internet again! Here is the back portion of the basement in our new home on the day we moved in.

Here it was on Saturday morning, full of all my Stamp Room units, boxes, etc. etc..what a job!
Here is what it looked like last night. We moved the pool table over to make more room for the Stamping Studio and Scott installed my desk, my workstation and started hanging my upper cabinets. There is still a lot to be done but we are about halfway there! It's very exciting..just had to share.

AND LOOK at the recessed lighting! There are 12 can lights in my stampin studio..its like it was designed with crafting in mind!! All of you scrapbooking and stamping fans will appreciate that!
Here's the kids playing on Kyler's birthday present...our helicopter teeter-totter. How exciting!! This is in the toy area of our basement...having a basement is great!!
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Grandma said...

We are so excited for you. We need to come up and see it for ourselves.

Grandma said...

We are so excited for you. We need to come up and see it for ourselves.