Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Regular Medicine

Today something occurred to me and I just found it amusing so I decided I should blog about it. I have been fighting a bad cold the past few days. Today it got to the point that I decided to take some medication since my nose was being rubbed raw from all tissues!!

I went through my medicine boxes and it was such an experience to actually look for REGULAR medicine that normal people take for ailments!! I'm so used to my box of big, bad, powerful drugs that looking for some cold medicine was quite refreshing!

I think I could get used to this normalcy, it would really be a refreshing change I think! =) Just had to share because it was so strange, I can't remember the last time I actually had a normal illness/ailment not connected in some way to my tumor challenges!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Yeah!!! Sorry about the cold, but sure grateful that you get to take "regular" medicine! See you soon.