Sunday, May 1, 2011

More April Photos

A few more photos from Easter weekend....this is my soon-to-be sister in law Allison. She is engaged to my brother Jason and they are getting married in June. She is holding my darling niece!!
Here are some handsome boys in matching pajamas...

Is this Cameron and Dallyn or Dallyn and Cameron, I'm not quite sure? Cameron outgrew his Mario pajama pants and really wanted to keep wearing them, yes, they are a size 6 and he is 10. So, when I found the same pants at Kohls I just had to get them for him. So, the smaller ones went right into Dallyn's drawer. As you can see three years doesn't make that much of a size difference where my tiny Cameron is concerned. Kaylie outgrew her Wonka shirt so the handing down continued and the boys think it is so fun to have matching pajamas!

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