Sunday, July 8, 2012

Philmont Scout Ranch

For the past week the kids and I had the opportunity to attend a LDS Church wide leadership training for those in certain positions over the Young Men at Philmont Scout Ranch in Northern new Mexico. It was an incredible experience. I was in training all day, but the kids got to do many fun activities: horseback riding, hikes, crafts, archery, shooting, games, etc. The whole week was filled with wonderful insights and spiritual experiences as we learned from the General Young Men's presidency and key scouting officials. Some of the highlights are below.

Our family Banner for the parade.

We attended with our close friends from Centerville, the "other" Wrights. After several days of nothing but scout camp food we gave the kids a break and went onto the near town of Cimarron, NM, population of about 100, and found a small ice cream shop for them to enjoy.

By the end of each day the kids were extremely dirty. It was dusty and dry all around and my boys loved getting covered in it. To top it off, we slept in tents and there was no escaping it. Here is DJ, Kyler and Parlee after a full day in the dirt.

On the 4th the kids put on a western/patriotic parade. (No fireworks due to fire danger.)
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