Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Heidi's Home

Heidi came home from the hospital on Tuesday evening. That meant she was in the hospital for 5 days post surgery. It was a day longer than last time and a day longer than we would have liked. Though she has made some good progress in some areas, she has continued to struggle with nausea and dizziness as her equilibrium is still fairly out of balance. She remains fairly heavily medicated which keeps her fairly sedated and resting often. Each day though gets a little better and we are still hopeful she will be back to herself in the coming weeks.

We also spoke with her surgeon today regarding the results of the pathology tests done on the removed tissue. Two tests were done, one on the tumor and one on the brain tissue margin that was removed around the tumor. The bad news is that the pathology test on the tumor confirmed that there was living and growing cancer cells in the tumor. The good news is that there was no detectable signs of cancer in the margin tissue that was removed. The doctor thus believes he was able to get all the cancer removed and at this time is not recommending any additional treatments.

Thanks again for all the help, support and thoughts and prayers.


TJ said...

wonderful news! sheridan is so happy. she feesl especially bonded to her aunt heidi. what one summer together did for our kids. wish we were closer.

The Five that Jive said...

Good luck with the recovery process Heidi. I love your uplifting are so optimistic. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you the best!!! Love you!!!

Jo Deann said...

Glad to hear that you are home and resting! We pray for a speedy recovery. Love ya tons.

stina said...

So glad to hear about the margin results. Hoping for a speedy recovery!!