Sunday, October 3, 2010

Conference Weekend

This weekend was General Conference and it was so great to hear all the speakers and to be uplifted and inspired by them. As has been tradition the past few years, the children construct reverence tents where they listen to the talks. They take notes and do quiet activities while they listen. It's a great activity and it keeps them listening and engaged in what is going on Here are Kaylie and Cam in their tents...

Kyler had a tent but he didn't spend much time in it. One of my traditions, since before Kaylie was born, is that I scrapbook during conference sessions. It's the perfect activity because I can focus on the talks and preserve our family memories at the same time.

Well Kyler likes to be involved my crafting as well. I can't believe the mess he made punching papers and cutting papers....but I try to remember these are fleeting moments since in a few years he won't have any interest in my punches. My stamping studio will be much cleaner but also much quieter. =( So here's a picture for posterity!

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1 comment:

Amy/Austin said...

Cute kids! I like all of Kyler's punches =)